
Categorie archieven: ServerPilot

Handmatig SSL certificaat toevoegen ServerPilot

ServerPilot uses Nginx as the public facing web server and proxies the requests to Apache. So, we have to add our SSL configuration to Nginx. Steps: Login to the server using SSH Create a directory to hold the certificate and key files. cd /home mkdir -p certs/domain_name Copy the certificate (.crt) and private (.key) files […]

NGNIX forceren www naar niet www of https:// verkeer redirect

Here is an example how to force no-www domain on Servepilot VPS servers with Nginx. Create /etc/nginx-sp/vhosts.d/servermeister.d/0www_redirect.conf with code that will force all www pages 301 redirect to a naked no-www domain. Code: if ($host ~* www.servermeister.com$) { return 301 https://www.servermeister.nl$request_uri; } restart nginx with the command Code: sudo service nginx-sp restart If you would […]

Hoe verander je de max_execution_time

The PHP setting max_execution_time is the number of seconds PHP will allow a script to run before PHP terminates the script. The best way to change the PHP max_execution_time setting for an app is to create a .user.ini file in the app’s public directory. This file should contain the following: max_execution_time = 120 where 120 is changed to the value you need to set for […]

Add phpMyAdmin to your server

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to install phpMyAdmin. This tutorial assumes you have already connected your server to ServerPilot and that you have created at least one app on the server. Follow these steps to install phpMyAdmin: Upload and extract the phpMyAdmin archive. Rename and edit the configuration file. Log in to phpMyAdmin. […]

How to Change the PHP Memory Limit

You can change the amount of memory PHP allots to each request by using a.user.ini file. 
Using .user.ini does not change the WordPress memory limit. C First, create a file named .user.ini in your app’s web root directory. apps/APPNAME/public/.user.ini Change the Memory Limit Then, enter the following line with the new value for your app’s memory limit (512 megabytes, for example): […]

Hoe installeer je WordPress MultiSite

WordPress Multisite uses one WordPress installation and one database across a network of WordPress sites. Using WordPress Multisite adds a large amount of complexity and incompatibilities with plugins. Read this article to determine if Multisite is right for you. Unless you’re a WordPress expert and you’re certain you need Multisite, don’t use it! Installing Multisite To set […]

Hoe installeer je PrestaShop

PrestaShop’s open-source ecommerce platform allows you to create powerful web stores through an easy-to-use interface. You can install PrestaShop on your server with DigitalOcean, Rackspace, or Linode using SFTP after you have connected your server to ServerPilot. Creating an App in ServerPilot First, click + Create App in ServerPilot; this can be done immediately after connecting a server or by […]